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Celebrating Growth: Understanding Your Toddler's Development from 25 to 36 Months


As parents and guardians at Little Learner Lodge, we celebrate each milestone in your child's journey with enthusiasm and support. The transition from a 2-year-old to a thriving 3-year-old is filled with remarkable developmental milestones. This blog post will guide you through what to expect each month from 25 to 36 months and how you can support your child's growth in physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional domains.

Navigating the Milestones: 25-36 Months

25-26 Months (2 Years): Building Confidence

  • Physical: Your toddler is now running with better balance and may even start jumping.

  • Cognitive: Watch them solve problems and play with shape sorters, indicating growing cognitive skills.

  • Language: Expect a rapid expansion in vocabulary and the formation of short sentences.

  • Social/Emotional: Independence takes center stage, along with the beginnings of cooperative play.

27-28 Months: Expanding Understanding

  • Physical: Improved coordination in kicking balls and navigating stairs.

  • Cognitive: Your child begins to grasp time concepts like ‘yesterday’ and ‘tomorrow’.

  • Language: More complex sentence structures emerge, along with correct pronoun usage.

  • Social/Emotional: Empathy starts to develop, and they become more attuned to others' feelings.

29-30 Months: Inquisitive and Active

  • Physical: Enjoy challenging physical play, showing greater control in running and stopping.

  • Cognitive: A phase of heightened curiosity, marked by an endless stream of questions.

  • Language: They can follow two-step instructions and love telling stories.

  • Social/Emotional: A stronger desire for independence may lead to resisting adult help.

31-32 Months: Imaginative Play

  • Physical: Throwing a ball overhand becomes easier, and balance improves.

  • Cognitive: Pretend play becomes more imaginative.

  • Language: Expect a growing vocabulary and the formation of longer sentences.

  • Social/Emotional: Emotional expression diversifies; understanding of turn-taking begins.

33-34 Months: Developing Friendships

  • Physical: Noticeable improvement in hand, finger, and body coordination.

  • Cognitive: Ability to complete simple puzzles and understand complex instructions.

  • Language: Using language to express thoughts and feelings more effectively.

  • Social/Emotional: Greater involvement in group play and budding interests in forming friendships.

35-36 Months (3 Years): A New Stage of Independence

  • Physical: Mastery of climbing, tricycle riding, and walking on tiptoes.

  • Cognitive: Understanding of basic concepts such as size, weight, and color.

  • Language: Frequent ‘why’ questions, speaking in complete sentences, and beginning to use plurals.

  • Social/Emotional: Enjoyment in playing with others, sharing, and taking turns becomes more consistent.

Conclusion: Embracing Each Step

Every child is unique, and these milestones serve as guidelines rather than strict benchmarks. Regular pediatric check-ups are essential to ensure healthy development. At Little Learner Lodge, we’re here to provide resources and support at each stage of your child’s growth. Embrace this exciting time as your toddler explores, learns, and grows into a little individual with a big personality.

Discover our range of educational tools and resources, designed to nurture and support your child’s developmental journey. Together, let’s make these years full of learning, joy, and growth!


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