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Toddler Triumphs: The 13-24 Months Developmental Journey


Welcome to Little Learners Lodge, where we celebrate each milestone in your child's journey with joy and enthusiasm. Between 13 and 24 months, toddlers experience a whirlwind of developmental changes. In this blog, we’ll explore the exciting milestones your little one is likely to achieve in physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional domains during this period.

The Milestones of Growth: 13-24 Months

13-14 Months: Stepping Into Independence

  • Physical: Watch as your toddler may start walking independently and enjoy climbing on furniture.

  • Cognitive: Observe their curiosity in exploring objects and beginning to use them correctly, like pretending to talk on a phone.

  • Language: Delight in hearing them say a few words and understand simple instructions.

  • Social/Emotional: Notice their growing attachment to caregivers and possible apprehension around strangers.

15-16 Months: Gaining Confidence

  • Physical: Improved walking skills, starting to run, and climbing stairs with help.

  • Cognitive: The joys of pretend play begin, such as feeding a doll.

  • Language: A budding vocabulary as they start naming familiar objects.

  • Social/Emotional: Imitating others and showing early signs of independence.

17-18 Months: Exploring and Expressing

  • Physical: Your little one can now walk backward and enjoys pushing and pulling objects.

  • Cognitive: Watch them start solving problems and engaging more with their environment.

  • Language: Combining words and using simple phrases.

  • Social/Emotional: Prepare for potential temper tantrums, but also lots of laughter.

19-20 Months: Mastering New Skills

  • Physical: Kicking balls, improved balance, and coordination.

  • Cognitive: Recognizing everyday items and their uses.

  • Language: A rapid increase in vocabulary and forming more complex sentences.

  • Social/Emotional: Becoming more social with peers, yet may remain clingy to adults.

21-22 Months: Creative Play and Learning

  • Physical: Throwing a ball overhand and starting to jump with both feet.

  • Cognitive: More complex pretend play comes into the picture.

  • Language: Understanding more words and following two-step instructions.

  • Social/Emotional: Enjoys helping with tasks and showing affection.

23-24 Months: Toward Two Years

  • Physical: More confident in running, walking upstairs with alternating feet.

  • Cognitive: Interest in interactive games and learning shapes and colors.

  • Language: Speaking in two- to four-word sentences and asking questions.

  • Social/Emotional: Strong sense of self and frequent assertions of independence.

Embracing Each Step

Remember, each child develops at their own unique pace. These milestones are not a checklist but a guide to understanding and supporting your child's growth. Regular pediatric check-ups are essential to monitor their development.

Discover More at Little Learners Lodge

At Little Learners Lodge, we offer resources, educational e-books, and toys designed to support and enhance your child’s developmental journey. Visit us for more insights and tools to aid in nurturing your growing toddler.

Embark on this exciting phase with us, where every step, word, and discovery is a cause for celebration!


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