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Unplugging to Connect: Fun and Educational Games for Boxing Day with Your Preteen

Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, is a wonderful opportunity to continue the festive bonding with your 9 to 12-year-old child. In an age dominated by screens and the internet, consciously disconnecting to engage in fun, educational activities can significantly enhance your relationship and support their development. Here are some ways you can connect with your preteen this Boxing Day by stepping away from the digital world:

1. Board Games Marathon:

Organize a board game marathon featuring games that are appropriate for their age. Games like "Ticket to Ride" or "Catan Junior" can teach strategic thinking and planning, while classics like Scrabble or Pictionary can be great for vocabulary and creative skills. The competitive yet fun nature of these games makes for hours of entertainment.

2. Science Experiments at Home:

Engage their curiosity with some DIY science experiments. You can create a mini volcano, make homemade slime, or even build simple circuits together. These activities not only provide fun but also introduce basic scientific concepts in a hands-on way.

3. Cooking or Baking Together:

Choose a recipe together and cook or bake a meal as a team. This can be a great way to teach measurements, chemical reactions (in baking), and the importance of following instructions, all while indulging in the joy of creating something delicious together.

4. Art and Craft Project:

Dedicate the day to a big art project. It could be painting, building something out of recyclables, or even starting a scrapbook. Artistic activities foster creativity, improve fine motor skills, and provide a non-digital platform for expression.

5. Book Club for a Day:

Pick out a book to read together or, if they're avid readers, each read your own books side-by-side. Later, have a discussion about the book. This encourages reading for pleasure, improves comprehension, and offers a chance to bond over shared stories.

6. Outdoor Adventure:

If weather permits, go for a hike, bike ride, or even just a walk in the park. The physical activity is great for both of you, and it offers a chance to talk and connect without the distractions of home.

7. Puzzle Time:

Work on a large, challenging puzzle together. This activity is great for problem-solving and perseverance and provides a tangible sense of accomplishment once you complete it.

8. DIY Theatre:

Put on a play or a puppet show. You can spend the morning writing a script, making costumes out of old clothes, and then perform it in the evening. This stirs the imagination and offers a great way to engage in storytelling.

9. Music and Dance:

Disconnecting doesn't mean you can't enjoy some technology-free music. Spend some time singing, dancing, or even learning to play a musical instrument together. It's a fun way to be active and creative.

10. Reflective Journaling:

End the day by writing or drawing in a journal about the day's experiences, the past year, or hopes for the new year. This can be a quiet, reflective activity that encourages expression and mindfulness.

By dedicating this Boxing Day to interactive, fun, and educational activities, you're not only creating precious memories but also fostering a deeper connection with your child. It's a day to unwind, laugh, learn, and most importantly, enjoy each other's company away from the distractions of the digital world.


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