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Food and Nutrition

A delightful and colorful book for children aged 3-5. In this engaging journey, kids learn about various foods and how they're like superheroes for our bodies, brains, and emotions. Fruits are described as 'colorful magic snacks' that keep the brain sharp, while vegetables are 'power-packed goodies' for growth and intelligence. Grains are the energy treasure, providing fuel for fun and learning. Protein-rich foods are likened to building blocks for muscles and healing, and dairy products are shields for strong bones and teeth. The importance of water is highlighted as the essential oil that keeps our bodies running smoothly. Finally, sweets are portrayed as special treats to be enjoyed in moderation. This book is a fantastic way to teach young children about the importance of a balanced diet in a fun, relatable way. It's perfect for little ones who are curious about food and how it helps them grow, think, and stay happy!

Food and Nutrition

SKU: 35005
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